What can you expect to earn as a physician assistant? All students in training want to know how much money they stand to make in the future, and it is no different for those studying to become physician assistants. Do not write your physician assistant job off as a simple way to get into the health field, because there is so much more to be gained in this industry. There are many ways to land a job in the health sector, but most do not offer the earning potential experienced by physician assistants. The reason for this can be traced back to a number of reasons. The biggest reason is that a physician assistant’s duties are very close to the duties of a medical doctor. A physician assistant is in great demand in the medical field, simply because they are trained to do so many different tasks. Physician assistants earn more because they do more, and those tasks are more valuable to doctors.

Students looking at entering this field must be mindful of the fact that the salary they are going to earn as a physician assistant is not going to be the same everywhere. There are many factors that can come into play when determining salaries for a specific position. The good news is you won’t have to go to school an extra year to determine the factors contributing to pay scales. Below you will find a complete analysis that will help you understand the expected pay for physician assistants. Money is always important, but you have to consider the many other perks of the job when considering a career as a physician assistant.

You will learn about all of the factors that can decide the pay for a physician assistant below, but note that the average salary tends to fall between fifty and eighty thousands per year. It is to be expected that some will make quite a bit more than others. However, this range is actually quite accurate based on the information from Indeed.com. So just how much do physician assistants make?You will find more detailed information in the analysis below.

Specialized Creditials - Physician assistants specialized in one field will typically be offered a higher salary than those with general knowledge. For example, if you are specialized in the field oncology, you could earn more than someone with a generalized knowledge in no special field. For those with heavy specializations in fields that have a heavy demand for knowledgeable, talented assistants, it is not hard to imagine a scenario where they can literally ask for whatever they want in terms of salary.

Location - One factor determining you paycheck will be where you live; namely whether you live in a big city with higher costs of living or a more rural area. When students ask themselves, how much do physician assistants make? they should always keep in their minds that geography will massively impact the size of their salary in this field. At the same time, students are cautioned against presuming that they will never get a high-paying physician assistant job in a rural setting.

If some students get confused about how much they can make in this field, they are often stumbling to understand these factors fully. Some of the things that impact the earnings of a person in this occupation are geography, experience and specialization. To look at this in another perspective, though, even what would be considered the most “low-paying” physician assistant job would still qualify as a pretty high salary by the definition of most people! You have to consider that before you get caught up in trying to find the highest paying position possible.

Are you starting to understand what a physician assistant can reasonably make today? You cannot make this type of calculation without considering the findings of the U.S. Bureau of Labor Statistics. The average reported salary for physician assistants in 2008 was over $80,000. On average, it is estimated that currently employed physician assistants earn between $68.210 and $97,070 a year. To get more specific, those with the lowest ten percent of salary make about $51,000 a year, while those in the highest ten percent make about $110,000 a year.

The average yearly salaries of physician assistants employed at various establishments are as follows:

Hospitals: $84,550
Academic Institutions: $74,200
Government Offices: $78,200
Private Clinics and Offices: $80,440
Outpatient Settings: $84,390

How much do physician assistants make? Their earnings are also based upon the hours worked by the physician assistant. The American Academy of Physician Assistants in their 2008 Census Report found that physician assistants employed full-time make $85,710 on a yearly basis. Those just starting out with entry level positions are expected to earn an average salary of $74,470

Besides what they make, physician assistants have the right to receive payment for state licensing fees, professional liability insurance, credential fees and registration fees with the DEA or the Drug Enforcement Administration.

$85,700 is the average yearly salary for a physician assistant in a full time position with a medical clinic. For the first year graduate, the average income was $74,000. This is all according to the American Academy of Physician Assistants. All of the factors of salary must be kept in mind, so your particular qualifications put your salary somewhere different than these projections. Employers of physician assistants frequently pay for their credentialing fees, registration fees with the DEA, professional liability insurance and state licensing fees.

The allowed time off for illness and vacation should also be considered. Retirement packages should also be kept in mind, though most physician assistants choose to work until the age of 65 to maximize government retirement benefits.

how much do physician assistants make? You will want to refer back to this guide in the future, so keep it on hand. Generally, physician assistants can expect to make between $50,000 and $80,000 per year, though this range is not set in stone. Just remember that many do fall outside of this generalized range, either earning more or less. 
If thoughts have been crossing your mind on how to become a physician assistant, then it is likely that you are seriously entertaining the notion of going down this career path. If this is true, you are quite lucky because employment chances in this field are projected to grow faster than the average occupation. In fact, this is true of a lot of jobs in the healthcare profession. The prerequisites for admission into the program may be slightly different but most will still require that you have obtained a college degree. You will also have to pass an exam before you are able to get your license, even after you have completed the necessary education requirements. Those who are working either in inner cities or in rural places are going to reap the most job opportunities. 

To gain admission into a physician assistant program, you will have to take the needed college courses. Anatomy and physiology are two classes that you must complete at least eight hours in for all schools. This can be worked out to either two semesters or just one semester of each, plus lab work. For instance, UNC in its premium curriculum solely offers a one semester-combined course that, however, is not going to be accepted by 95 percent of physician assistant programs. In other words, you have to know what you require and if certain courses from the college you are attending actually satisfy the requirements. 

You have to be familiar with the purpose of a physician assistant in the healthcare field. This could mean that you will find yourself completing somewhere between fifty and two hundred hours shadowing someone in the medical field in order to meet the requirements. Perform these hours with more than just one physician assistant. You may be asked to show that you have gotten the experience that you need if you want to get into a particular school.

You will need to have some really good references if you want to become a physician assistant. Each program demands a medical reference, and some want at least one professors reference. You should really try to obtain a reference from someone that is known in the industry as a physician assistant. You should remember to plan ahead and start looking to nail down your references up to six months before you actually need them. Your references will receive email notification from the CASPA when their reference is needed and they will then either email the form back to them or mail it in. Be sure you know what your references prefer. 

Spend extra time studying for the GRE. You may begin by focusing your studies on the vocabulary words that are new for you. When you create a challenge to yourself to take one of these new vocabulary words and use it correctly a few times each day, it will help you. Each day of studying should include at least one of the GRE questions.

If you are serious about starting a career as a physician assistant then you should remember that you have a better chance if you turn your application in as early as possible. You might not realize this, but almost all schools actually reward those who get their applications in ahead of time. For instance, CASPA actually reduces your fee for an early application, and early applicants receive the first interviews and invites. Your essay that is written for CASPA should be one of the first that are recieved. Once you have turned in your CASPA application to a program you will be able to turn in your supplemental application. 

It is time to get ready for the interview! Basically, start your interview with a short (20 second or so) opening on why you want to become a physician assistant. What you say in your interview for admission into the physician assistant program of your choice must be consistent with what you wrote in your essay-it only makes sense! You want to give the appearance of confidence in the interview so practice what you intend on saying before you get to the interview and make changes to areas that do not flow smoothly. Some topics that you may decide to bring up include what has made you apply to this school, what makes you interested in a primary care role, and what your idea of the role of a physician assistant is. 

One final, but very important, thing to consider is how you should dress as you go for this very important interview. Be sure that you are dressed suitably for such an important interview which means that you should dress conservatively. For men, this means a minimum of a dress shirt, tie and slacks. Women should stay away from tight skirts and a lot of cleavage and should stick with a business suit. You should look the best that you can because you will have a large number of people that are competing for the position that you are interested in.

When you wonder how to become a physician assistant, be sure to remember that there are many things. While you are preparing you will be focused on getting the right references, taking the classes that are right, and getting into the school that can offer you the most. From there, it includes applying early and making a good impression in your interview so that you can get into the program that you desire. 
The admission requirements vary depending on institution. Most institutions require students to have a science-related college degree while a few training institutions grant admissions even to students who have healthcare-related work experience. If you have a science degree and some experience, the admissions committee will welcome you with open arms. This means that your years of experience as well as your years in school will count towards the time that it takes to get into the school. 

Heres an important note: if you do not want the admissions committee to reject you, read up on the history of physician assistant and ask a doctor or a healthcare professional to help you prepare for the interview. These professionals will know what an admissions committee will likely ask. If your application is rejected by the admissions committee, you have to take the time wasted into account just in case you dont get admission in another college. 

As you consider signing up for a physician assistant class, keep in mind that a twenty six month accredited course must be taken prior to beginning to practice according to the American Academy of Physician Assistants, or AAPA. So, add another 26 months to the calculations, and ensure that the college you are about to enroll with is accredited. The exams are administered by the National Commission on Certification of Physician Assistants (NCCPA). Ask the institution for an information package or a brochure. 

The Physician Assistants admission process requires a student to open an account with Central Application Service for Physician Assistants (CAPSA). The applications that are turned in to CAPSA will more than likely not have a quick turn around time. You will need to consider this additional time spend with CAPSA and make sure that you have send in the application early so it is not approved after the classes have begun. You must ensure that you do not lose any time. Some colleges require students to complete other application formalities, such as applying to an affiliated or accompanying university. Once you review the factors that have been discussed you are sure to come to the understanding that when you want to become a physician assistant, you must be diligent with your preparation and planning and should plan on committing several years gathering the education and experience that you need. 

A test is given at the end of the physician assistant course and this will determine if they are able to begin practicing. These testing programs and exams vary from state to state. However, one thing is common and that is all Physician Assistant graduates must successfully complete a licensing exam that is administered by the state. The physician assistant may begin to practice right after they have passed the license exam in some states but others have more requirements. This additional time, if it is required, should be considered in the total amount of time it takes to begin practicing. Once the physician assistant has successfully completed the National Commission on Certification of Physician Assistants, or NCCPA, exam, they will have earned the title of PA-C, or Physician Assistant - Certified. The final title of PA-C can only be maintained if the PA is able to complete at least 100 hours in continuing education classes within each two year time frame and if they get their skills tested once every six years; this will earn them the - C at the end of their title. 

You must push yourself to be organized and aware during each of the many steps involved in becoming a physician assistant because how long does it take to become a physician assistant depends on your commitment. Be sure to factor in all of the time requirements before you enroll so you can plan out the course that will lead you to a successful career in this profession. 
If you are looking for a career that will give you great job security, you might want to consider entering the medical field as a physician assistant. You wont need nearly as much education to become a physician assistant as you would need to become a doctor or physician, yet you will still earn a decent salary and full package of benefits. If you are interested in this area of the medical field, you will have to meet a few physician assistant prerequisites before you start applying for jobs.

In order to work in the field, you must pass physician assistant prerequisites set by the state in which you want to work. In almost all cases, you will be expected to complete your bachelors degree in a related medical field, and then go into a training program that will prepare you to pass the national certification exam. The exam you ultimate pass is called the PANCE, which stands for Physician Assistant National Certification Exam. Once you have met all prerequisites to enter a training program, the training program will prepare you for this examination.

You can only enter a physician assistant training program after you have completed at least two years of college in a related field, though many programs require a bachelors degree. You may also be required to have some working experience in the medical field. Most future physician assistants start out with internships or part-time positions in doctors offices or hospitals. This is where valuable professional connections are made, and it is where the foundation of knowledge is established for future physician assistants.

Training courses are designed to prepare you for the national examination and any state prerequisites that may be demanded before you can apply for active employment. The more competitive programs may require you to give references, including references from medical professionals. If you have gained some working experience, securing these references will be much easier.

Once you have become certified and licensed by your state, you should expect to continue your education and pass ongoing prerequisites to remain licensed. Some states require a certain number of credit hours to be achieved every couple of years, but the specific requirements for maintaining a license can vary. You will learn all of these details in your physician training program, but you can also find them online through your governments website.

Many people get confused between the nurses assistant and physician assistant career fields, but they are quite different. You will be required to endure a lot more education as a physician assistant than you would as a nurses assistant.

physician assistants work hand-in-hand with medical doctors, and they are able to give authoritative medical advice and write out prescriptions. When working out of a doctors office, it is common for the physician assistant to have their own patients who are never seen by the physicians in the office. Nurses simply do not obtain that much responsibility and freedom within the medical field. Physican assistants must go through a lot more training and education than nurses assistants, and for good reason.

A career in this field starts with basic education at the undergraduate level. The end goal is to pass the national exam, but you have to get into a training program first so you are prepared to pass. Once the training program has been completed, you just have to pass that exam and register with the state so you can get a job.

For some, this is seen as a faster way to get into the medical field, but you cannot underestimate how difficult it is to get through all of these physician assistant prerequisites. You must commit yourself to at least a couple years of training at the postgraduate level, with many physician assistants putting in more than that before taking their national certification exam and entering the work field. 
Any student should be very happy to discover that a physician assistant salary is fairly elevated. Where a physician assistant is working will play a role in the salary but the average is somewhere between $50,000 and $80,00 annually. The actual definition of a physician assistant position, or PA, is a professional in the healthcare industry that is licensed to practice medicine in a state on a team of other doctors. 

While previously only provided by a medical physician, a physician assistant can provide the necessary medical services that will help humans treat, prevent, and overcome illnesses and injury. Many of the physician assistants will do the physical exams, identify the illness, and write the prescription for the treatment that best fits the illness. Among the normal things that this person can do, they can also assign certain lab tests, provide certain pieces of advice for those that are interested in stopping the illness from coming back, be involved in a surgery, pass down the care instructions to the patients, and give them the scripts for the medication that they need. There is an elevation in the physician assistant salary because they are responsible for so many aspects regarding patient care.

The healthcare industry is full of positions that pay much less per year than someone that has completed their schooling to become a physician assistant. A lot of various aspects contribute to this reality, but in essence, a physician assistant actually does a lot of what a regular doctor does in the carrying out of his duties. The demand is there for a physician assistant because they are able to do much more in the healthcare industry than many of the other workers who do not have the necessary qualifications to do the work.

A student that finishes their schooling to be a physical assistant can expect a physician assistant salary that varies depending on several factors that can vary. However, the considerations that they will have to look at in terms of how much they could make as a physician assistant are quite straightforward. The following information will include some fairly accurate information about the pay scale for someone who is trying to become a physician assistant. If students weight what they have to go through to go on to become a physician assistant with what can be achieved in such a career, they will understand that the benefits are many and extend well beyond just mere monetary ones. 

Based upon a variety of factors that will be explored in greater detail in the following sections, the salary range for a physician assistant can be anywhere from $50,000 to $80,000. When you check sites like Indeed.com for medical careers are likely to find that most jobs have pay scales in this range but there are some that will be lower or higher than these figures.

Specialization relates to how much specialized know how a physician assistant possesses. As an example, someone may have extensive training in treating cancer. Regardless of what areas of training the physician assistant has, when they are specialized, they are able to ask for more pay when they are being considered for a position. This has to do with the fact that specialization makes them more in demand. 

The physician assistant that works in a large city or an urban area, will find that they are able to bring in more money than someone that works in the rural areas. As a result, students should remember that geography is going to play a large role in determining how much they will make. Students should still remind themselves, however, that it is possible to still earn a good living even in a rural setting. 

In May of 2008, the U.S. Bureau of Labor Statistics released the average pay rate for a physician assistant and it was $81,230 each year. The physician assistants that fall in the lowest ten percent of the pay scale make roughly $51,360 annually while most of the physician assistants are making between $68,210 and $97,070. The ten percent at the top of the pay scale are making close to $110,240 each year. 

The median, yearly salaries of people in this profession who work at various locations are as follows: Educational Institutions: $74,200; Government Offices: $78,200; Doctor's Offices and Clinics: $80,440; Clinics and Outpatient Locations : $84,390; Hospitals: $84,550 

The number of hours that a physician assistant is willing to work will also impact their pay rate. If students plan on working full-time as physician assistants, they can very well expect to make a yearly salary of $85,710. This was reported in the 2008 Census Report of the American Academy of Physicians Assistants. An entry level position for a physician assistant should earn the person roughly $74,470.

Someone in a physician assistant position may also find that they can receive payment for any credential fees, any DEA registration fees, any state licensing fees, and even professional liability insurance.

Based on the aforementioned 2008 Census Report, the average income for a physician assistant who was employed in clinical practice full-time was $85,710. A student that has just graduated should only expect to make $74,470 annually though. Factors such as location, experience, specialization, and the setting of the practice should also be remembered.

Physician assistants can leave credits that may be utilized for recuperation from illness or for vacation. They may decide that it is time to retire once they have hit 50 years old but most of them will keep their positions until age 65 so they will have more retirement benefits. 

In the past ten years, the demand for people to fill physician assistant positions has increased steadily. The physician assistant salary has a prospect of increasing since the job market demand is also expected to rise in the following eight years.

This growth will come mainly from additional healthcare facilities springing up in rural and inner city areas. Before the year 2018 it is speculated that the opportunities for growth as a physician assistant will increase by 39%, up from the rate in 2008.