Top Physician Assistant Programs

Finding the perfect physician assistant programs is never going to be easy. The thing you need to consider is that not all programs are equal, for example, there are some that might not teach the curriculum you need to be effective in your state. Meeting your state's expectations(we're looking at you Ohio) is a different matter altogether and you need to make sure you take a program that meets the requirements. A prior medical background is absolutely necessary if you want to get into the best physician assistant programs, though there are a few who do not need it. It would be in your best interest to work under the belief that you actually need it.

There are some physicians assistant programs in which you can earn your master's degree, though some are more limited. These are two things to keep in mind, and the length is also something to remember. There are in fact some programs that are intended to last two years, while others will last considerably longer.

Tuition is yet another thing to think about. There are some programs that are cheap, and others that cost upward of $20,000. This will depend highly on the state the program is administered in as well as the detail of the program.

Is the school you plan to attend actually accredited? Not every school is accredited, and this is something that you will need to think about. If you want to find employment after your schooling, you will need to make sure you have attended a program accredited by the Commission on Accreditation of Allied Health Education Programs. If your institution is not accredited, then finding work will be impossible.

You should also think about program focus. The specialization youa re interested in will play a large part here, for example if you wanted to be an OB-GYN, you would have to ensure your program deals with it. Ask questions and make sure you're getting what you need.

Getting into the top physicians assistant program will not be a cakewalk. You will need to have a medical background, of course, and the will to keep going. Something to note is that in order to be accepted to a good physician's assistant program you will need to pass an inspection from the school board, and this isn't always simple. You need to demonstrate to them that you have passion, and that you have the ability to follow up on the newer innovations. 
If you want to become a physician assistant, then you have most definitely chosen a good career path that will allow you to help others. Before we talk about the specialties of a physician assistant however, it is important to discuss precisely what a physician assistant is.

The first thing you need to know is that a PA is similar to a physician, and often has the same responsibilities. A PA will need to work under the supervision of an actual doctor, which could be considered the biggest difference. This however does not entail that they will be babysat the entire time. They will often work alone and attend to patients in the manner of a true doctor. There are a few different physician assistant advancement to take into account, some of which are more exciting than others.

Emergency Medicine -- Only eight percent of all physician assistance work in this area due to the fast paced nature. You could find yourself dealing with trauma or even surgery.

Pediatrics -- When it comes to physician assistant specialties, this is a rare one. This will of course involve dealing with patients on the in-patient floor in addition to deliveries. They will assess newborns and even cover the ER when they need to.

Psychiatry -- In addition to patient evaluation, one would also recommend dosages. A psychiatry physician assistant will generally work in the hospital. 

Obstetrics -- There are a few different jobs in this field, for example an inpatient clinic or even a maternity ward. They would also help in the operating room, take care of patient counseling, and even receive women for prenatal appointments.

Internal Medicine -- There are many ways to describe this position, but it invomes cardiology, dermatology, and others. Making rounds with the chief resident is another duty that you will have in this position, and assessing lab results.

Surgery -- This is the most common of the physician assistant specialties and it claims twenty-two percent of all physicians assistants. There are several different duties in this specialty which include care before, during, and after surgery. They will also take patient history and perform physical exams.

What we have listed are the current primary responsibilities of a physician assistant, but there is a strong chance that it will begin to expand soon. This is a pretty new position in the medical field and the specialites will constantly change. Within the PA position, you will need to make sure that you review the newest material, the techniques, and of course the methods of treatment.

You will not be paid as much as a regular doctor, but it can be a stepping stone for the next phase of your career. If this is the experience you want in a career, then you should write your resume and prepare for the best. It is not going to be an easy position to enter, but it will be worthwhile. It is hard to tell where it may lead. 
Has the though of training as a physician's assistant ever crossed your mind? Though this position does not call for a PhD, it does deal with treating illness and other health care services. You will of course be working a physician's office under supervision, and in some cases acting as a physician. In addition to that you will be able to counsel on preventive health care, assist in surgery, write prescriptions, and even give medical orders. One of the best things about being a PA is the fact that many will opt to see the PA over the standard physician.

The Requirements

As of right now, there are 149 different schools which can claim accreditation in the United States. The biggest problem at the moment of course is that it is impossible for anyone to agree on what the requirements actually are. Obviously you must have passion for your job, which is to be expected. If you don't have passion, how could you expect to do your job anyway?

Another important requirement of course is that of ensuring you have a working knowledge of physiology, anatomy, and biochemistry. If you have any trouble with these area, then you won't have an easy time of it in the PA field.

Before you can become a physician's assistant, you will need to attend a school, and the admissions committee will look at your credit hours, the credibility of your university, and even the difficulty of your coursework. If you want to be accepted, then you will additionally need at least four years of experience in the medical field. It is generally accepted that an individual should have experience in multiple sectors of healthcare including nursing, medical volunteerism, and of course, emergency services. There is a small possibility that you will be admitted to a program without meeting those basic guidelines, but it is not incredibly likely.

Medical experience alone is not enough -- you will need to make sure you have a GED or a high school diploma. Keep in mind that you will need to possess a certain level of maturity to do your job effectively, and with that being the case, you might want to assess yourself before you attempt to get into this field. You will need the ability to lead, which comes standard with being a PA.

Things are changing all the time in this job, which means you need to be flexible. Naturally this is going to involve reading the latest medical texts, and of course making sure you're ready as soon as a new medical technology comes out. This will include new pharmaceuticals of course, and while these items may not be common knowledge, but these updates are generally filed with the FDA and will be available for study. Bearing that in mind, you may realize that it's not all fun and games. It is hard, and it is often filled with study. This is a very demanding field, and if you meet the tough requirements, then you're definitely going to land a great job in the field. 
The medical world is an exciting place to start a profession. For some, becoming a physician assistant is the direction they have decided to go in their lives. They are ready to have a career that allows them to provide help to those in need. They want to devote their time to a team of professionals that are there to help comfort and heal people. The first thing that must be done once the career path has been chosen is to pick a school to take their classes at. The physician assistant programs in California that they have to choose from are many.

As you look through the websites that give details about the programs that are offered, play close attention to what you are reading. There are certain specialties in physician assisting and some programs are tailored for these specialties. They may have a specific focus on surgery and if this is not the direction you are looking in, look at other schools. If you really want to work in primary care, find a program that focuses on this are of the career.

Pay attention, also, to the time that it will take to achieve your certification. You may take your education level from an associates degree, through the bachelor's degree, and up to a master's degree in these programs. You can also receive certain certifications that come with graduation. Most of the programs will take about two years but others do have a longer time frame. There are some variations in the available physician assistant programs in California so be sure you are attentive.

There may be great concern placed on the price of the tuition for the programs for many people. The school that you attend could play a large part in the price for the program. There are low priced programs and those that seem to be charging a small fortune. You will find that the reputation of the school could raise the prices because the prestigious schools do tend to charge more to allow you to use their names on your certificate of graduation. The price increase could be very much needed for some people so they would be willing to pay the price for it.

When you are considering the prices, also pay attention to the resident versus nonresident pricing. You can find schools that will have much lower prices if you are a resident of the state. Others do not put much emphasis on this at all. They will not lower prices for anyone even if they are residents of the state. Make sure you are looking at the pricing scales at school before you make your final selection. Make sure that you have reviewed the pricing so that you can make the best decision on the school.

You also need to see if the school you are considering is accredited. The accreditation of the school could leave you without the ability to work in your state. In order to take the national certifying exam you must have studied at an accredited school. You could find that you cannot do the work that you have trained for and that you still have to pay off the loans for the education that you took.

There are many things to consider when you are trying to find the best physician assistant program in California. Be sure to do your homework before you make your selection and you are sure to make a choice that works well for your needs. 
It is not unusual for people to say that they know what a physician does, but many have still not heard about the Physician Assistant Profession. Do you understand what the differences are between these two? The following information is sure to give you the information you are looking for if you have been asking.

Physicians are those individuals who have invested many years in medical school where they have learned to diagnose the illnesses of patients, prescribe treatment plans and the medicines required to help them get well.

Physician Assistants on the other hand are not required to obtain that much education and training but are more than just a regular nurse. Since they are a step above a registered nurse, they are allowed to work along with doctors to perform some of their duties. However, they still are able to diagnose diseases and disorders, prescribe medication, and discuss treatment options with patients.

One of the primary differences that can be seen between the Physician Assistant Profession and that of the doctor is in the amount of education it takes to complete the requirements for becoming licensed or certified. Doctors attend medical school for 8 to 10 years and after that they are required to complete a residency with a hospital where they get to practice the skills they have learned under close supervision. After that they are then able to decide whether they wish to set up their own practice, begin to teach or become part of a larger body of healers in a hospital setting or get involved with medical research.

The time required for a Physician Assistants to begin practicing is much shorter generally from 4 to 6 years. This time is all included in the regular nursing training as well as what it takes to get a Master’s degree in nursing. Other education may be required if they desire to enter a specialized field. At this time they are able to perform much the same type of services that a licensed doctor can without all the autonomy that comes with. Physician Assistants work closely with a licensed doctor who shares the responsibility for their work.

The requirement that they work while supervised by a licensed doctor is the main thing that sets them apart from an autonomous physician. Those working in the Physician Assistant Profession are able to assist with surgical procedures, examine patients, diagnose illness, develop treatment plans with patients, suture wounds, and participate in other areas of patient care. These professionals are also allowed to assist during surgical procedures.

The majority of Physician Assistants who are working in the medical profession today are working in areas of primary care. That is they generally take up positions within family practices, pediatrics and internal medicine. By handing over some of the responsibility for patient care to PAs, doctors have more time to perform more important elements of their practice, and patients receive more individualized care. 
In order to have an intelligent conversation about the Physician Assistant Profession, and where it came from, one must have some basic knowledge about what it is that is involved in a Physician Assistant Career. To make a long story short, a Physician Assistant is capable of performing the same types of services that any regular doctor can without having the same kind of autonomy. 

The Physician Assistant Profession allows those who are involved to practice medicine in the same manner in which a physician does, but they must be doing so under the supervision of a fully licensed and trained doctor. They are capable of carrying out many of the same services as a doctor such as diagnosing illnesses, helping during surgical procedures, evaluating the status of patients and writing prescriptions. 

Entering the healthcare profession in the realm of a Physician Assistant Career has some benefits that should be considered. Number one is that you can begin practicing medicine without having to spend as much time in school as a regular doctor. The pay scale for those entering this career field often reaches very close or above six figures. 

Now that we have the basics out of the way, we can go on to discuss where this profession originated. 

During the 1960s many doctors and educators saw that the number of physicians needed for proper care of patients was not enough to meet the demand. This mid-decade discovery caused them to determine that it was time to implement some changes to the healthcare field. This led to the broadening of the scope of medical care. 

As a direct result, Dr. Eugene Stead of Duke University Medical Center established the first of its kind Physician Assistant class in North Carolina. The very first class consisted of Navy Corpsmen who were already familiar with much medical training which they had received as part of the military during the Vietnam War. At this time he used the fast paced type of training that was used while training World War II military doctors. 

Two other doctors, Dr. Hu Myers from Alderson-Broaddus College and Dr. Richard Smith from University of Washington followed the lead of Dr. Stead and implemented programs of their own. Following suit, the American Medical Association also passed a resolution which created educational guidelines and the certification process used for completing the training required for becoming a Physician Assistant. 

In conclusion, the Physician Assistant Career began out of a necessity. Due to the foresight of this pioneer, that initial class continues to expand its influence even further into the medical profession, creating an ever-expanding reach into the healthcare that we know today. 

Physician Assistants provide a vital service which is particularly helpful since doctors are unable to be everywhere they are needed all the time. 
With the rising demand for healthcare these days, many more people are opting for online physician assistant programs so that they can get through the process without having to leave home or their current employer. Every physician assistant program is designed to give the student more convenience while making sure they get the needed education to enter the healthcare field of their choice.

The professionals known as physician assistants are able to perform many of the same functions as a regular doctor. While this is true they do not have to receive the same level of education as a licensed and practicing physician. PAs have the training and certification to perform patient physican exams, review charts and medical history, diagnose disorders and illnesses, write prescriptions and recommend treatment.

They do not however, operate under the same autonomy as a doctor does in that they must be strictly supervised by an attending physician. The laws of each state dictate what a person working in this profession can do, and that can vary from one state to the next, but generally speaking they can perform the regular duties of a medical doctor, even when trained for it help in the surgical suite.

Those preparing for a position as a physician assistant must do so through a qualifying program. There are many qualifying online physician assistant programs being offered today. Enrollment in a qualifying and accredited college level course will help you to attain certification in the field. All accreditation in the field of physician assistant must meet the approval of the Accreditation Review Commission on Education for the Physician Assistant. Your period of training will culminate in you being able to take the Physician Assistant National Certification Examination.

If you intend to receive the education required to be able to take the PANCE some of the topics you will have to study through online physician assistant programs will be: mathematics, basics courses in science, and liberal arts. You will also be expected to cover such topics as basic medical courses like; pharmacology, human anatomy and physiology, internal medicine, biochemistry, physhology, emergency medicine, and prevention of diseases.

You will also have to spend some time in clinical practice surrounding the field of study you have chosen like; primary care, pediatrics, surgery, ob/gyn and other areas. Your clinical experience will likely be set up so that you will do it on a rotating basis with other students.

Once you have completed your choice of online physician assistant programs, you will be all set to go to work with your license in hand. There are several areas where physician assistants can work and that includes in a private physician's office, on surgical teams, ERs, military, prisons, and public healthcare clinics. 
A lot of people these days are thinking seriously about becoming a physician assistant. If that is something that you are thinking of for yourself, it may be time for you to take some serious actions such as learning more about how to get started on your physician assistant career path. It is important for you to get all the information you can if this is something you are truly interested in.

All you have to do is follow the steps below and you will be on your way to discovering what it takes to enter this amazing career field, and get started working in the growing field of healthcare.

First Step

You will first want to know what it takes to get admitted into a program that will train you in the art of becoming a physician assistant. You will have to fulfill the prerequisites first and that includes getting a four year degree which includes 8 hours of human anatomy and physiology. There are any number of schools that can provide this service for you, but you want to make sure that your education will be accepted by the physician assistant program you are hoping to attend. Accreditation is what you need but the school should agree that it is acceptable.

Step Two

The really serious candidate for becoming a physician assistant will learn everything they can about this career that is expected to grow even larger in the next 10 years. You will be required to spend 50 to 200 hours following around a working physician assistant who is going about his or her daily work. Programs require from 50 to 200 hours in such activities.

Step Three

You will also have to get some references from professionals who know you and are willing to tell the physician assistant program what your qualifications are for entering their program. You will need these to come from medical professionals such as a doctor or physician assistant. You could also ask one of your professors to write a reference for you.

Fourth Step

The GRE is another thing that you should learn about because you will have to be able to pass it. It is also recommended that you study vocabulary by learning a minimum of one new vocabulary word each day, and one new question that is expected to appear on the GRE every day. Likewise you will want to learn the vocabulary that is used in the profession you will become part of.

Step Five

You should get your application in early if you are intent on becoming a physician assistant. You will find that you will be rewarded for doing this with lower fees as well as getting to enter the interviewing process earlier. You should also be early when it comes to the essay for CASPA.

Step Six

You should seriously consider what you will do during the interview. Know the answers to questions such as why you decided that you wanted to become a physician assistant, and why you chose this particular school for your education. You can expect that one of those questions will be about what made you want to enter this program and why you want to be a physician assistant.

Step Seven

You must also decide that you want to look your best during the interview. You want to look like the professional you are and the one you want to be. 
Prospective students wishing to enter Physician Assistant training programs must go through an extensive interview process After reviewing the applications of numerous would be students, a short list if created and those applicants are contacted to come in for an interview. The interview questions can be really touch, so you need to be prepared ahead of time to answer them.

Here are some things that you may want to think about as you prepare for that interview.

1. You have to know that the interview process counts big time if you are going to be accepted into the program. The scores on your tests may be excellent, your education and experience impeccable, and your essays have shown your particular flare, but it is the interview which will provide the school with a better idea of who you are. It is important that you be able to demonstrate your compassion, practicality, understanding, honesty, maturity, and confidence. This is better demonstrated through an in person interview.

2. The purpose of the interview is to help determine if you can communicate effectively. Because you will soon be working with patients and doctors in a number of different settings, you must be able to focus, remain polite, be sharp and capable of communicating regardless of where you are working. 

Interview Process

Interviews typically begin with the financial aid officer as well as the director of the program speaking with you in a group setting. Afterward, applicants will be asked a series of Physician Assistant Interview Questions. Prospective students are split into 2 groups where the first group goes on to the interview process while the other is allowed to sit in on a class with some first year students. The behavior of all potential students is being closely monitored during this time so be on your best behavior.

Physician Assistant Interview Questions

Here are some of the top questions you may have to answer during your interview.

1. How have you used academics to prepare you to enter this profession? While answering this question, you may want to let them know how you were able to balance everything in your life as you went through the process of getting your education. Were you able to work part-time and do some volunteer work? Multi-tasking and time management are key to being successful in this field.

2. What do you consider some of the main problems facing the healthcare system? This is where you get to show that you are watching and listening to the concerns within your targeted industry. This question is not just about rote memorization of things you have read, but more about your studied knowledge about the healthcare system.

3. What has inspired you to want to become a Physician Assistant? The answer to this question is very important and you must answer it with real feeling. You may also be asked why you did not choose to become a Nurse Practitioner instead.

4. Have you ever been deeply moved by your experience with a specific patient. The purpose of this questions is to allow you to demonstrate your compassionate side and how well you communicate.

Using these Physician Assistant Interview Questions you will be able to better prepare for the interview that is sure to come. 
If a high paying position within the healthcare community is interesting to you, you may want to look into becoming an Orthopedic Physician Assistant. Physician Assistants in any area of healthcare are a valuable part of the healthcare team and therefore command good salaries. At the same time these professionals are reducing the costs associated with good healthcare because they save time for patients as well as doctors.

One of the reasons Orthopedic Physician Assistants are able to help reduce the cost of health care is that they attend to the ordinary needs of patients which leaves higher paid physicians to work with the more needy clients. This also serves to reduce the amount of time patients have to spend waiting to be seen by a professional. Since Physician Assistants earn less than a licensed doctor, the savings is passed throughout the healthcare system. Here is some information which may help you decide whether you would like to pursue a career in this field of healthcare.

What Orthopedic Physician Assistants Do

Physician Assistants work under the supervision of a licensed physician. They examine patients, diagnose illnesses, order tests, communicate effectively with both the doctor and patient, and prescribe treatment including any medications required. They command more in terms of compensation than others in the healthcare field because of the many services they provide. Below are additional duties performed by Orthopedic Physician Assistants.
  • Order appropriate tests like lab workups, ECGs, and x-rays
  • Gains an understanding of a patient’s condition by doing a physical exam
  • Reviews patient medical histories, helps them understand treatment plans, and communicated effectively
  • Administers therapeutic procedures like sewing up wounds, infection management, and giving immunizations
  • Assists during surgeries as well as other medical procedures
  • Provides supervision for technicians
Traits of Orthopedic Physician Assistants

Physician Assistants understand that they will be working in high pressure situations where they might have to remain on their feet for extended periods. They also understand that they may have to lift patients which requires muscle strength. This makes it necessary to be strong both mentally and physically with great endurance.

An Orthopedic Physician Assistant as well as others in this field of healthcare must have nerves of steel because they must be able to maintain steady hands during the performance of their duties. Shaky hands can make it look like you are not confident in your ability to perform your duties.

Orthopedic Physician Assistant Salary

The anticipated salary of most Physician Assistants is somewhere around $90,000 per year. Sometimes sign on bonuses apply and others can expect performance bonuses as well which can be as much as $20,000. There are many other benefits when one is working in this healthcare field such as retirement benefits, vacation pay, malpractice insurance and others.

After five to ten years, Orthopedic Physician Assistants can expect to earn in the area of $150,000.

If this all sounds attractive to you, and you feel that you can meet the physical and mental challenges of such a position, you may want to run not walk to the nearest registration center and apply to an accredited program.